GASA Odense Frugt – Grønt A.m.b.a. is a cooperative owned 100% by Danish producers localized across the country. We are an organization that sell and promote both conventional and organic products to Danish costumers and export.

Sales and marketing for the producers of GASA Odense Frugt – Grønt A.m.b.a are made in transparency and daily dialog between us and them. All profit is canalized back to the owners.

Our goal

Our goal is to supply our customers with fresh quality fruit and vegetables. We also have a great interest in developing new and interesting products, grown in an environmentally sound manner while the producers expand and stay profitable.

Our mission

Our mission is to be a foresighted company in constant development which meets the consumers needs and the costumers demands of innovation, high quality and as promised.

We act sustainable

at GASA Odense, sustainability is a central component of our strategic orientation as a modern growers cooperative.

All our activities are conducted with careful consideration in order to ensure products of high quality and reduce the impact on the environment.

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contacted by us?

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