Danish quality

Food Safety

It is crucial for GASA Odense's growers to live up to high standards of food safety, quality and traceability. Therefore, it is a requirement for the growers in GASA Odense to be Global G.A.P. - certified, likewise as GASA Odense is IFS-certified as a sales organisation

Eat lots of fruits & vegetables, but rinse first!
It is healthy to eat fruits and vegetables, but it is important to rinse all fruits and vegetables before eating or serving them. Read more on Danish Veterinary and Food Administration website .

see our certificates

Environment & Responsibility

The attribut for Danish food is that its healthy, fresh and climate-friendly, and it gives consumers an assurance that it is produced in an environmentally friendly and proper manner.
At GASA Odense Frugt-Grønt, we are aware of the responsibility it takes to live up to customers' expectations. We have therefore formulated three objectives, which we undertake to comply with:

1. Ensure healthy, fresh and safe raw materials for consumers
Through a comprehensive quality management system, we ensure that our products are healthy, fresh, safe and full of flavor - fruit and vegetables must always be rinsed before use.

2. Protect climate and environment in production and packaging choices
Our products are climate-friendly and produced in Denmark under high environmental requirements. Our packaging is developed with respect for both the environment and the durability of the products

3. Minimize food waste throughout the value chain
Fruits and vegetables are produced with large fluctuations. In close cooperation with our customers, we ensure that as much as possible ends up being sold, even skewed sizes and large seasonal fluctuations.

Origin Denmark

Danish Fruit and Vegetables have many qualities. The products are healthy, fresh, produced close to consumers under stricter environmental requirements than in the rest of the EU.

Dansk Gartneri has gathered knowledge about Danish fruit and vegetables, which can be found here:
Os der gror i Danmark | World-class Danish fruit and vegetables

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